Saturday 24 December 2016

SOC 112 Introduction to Sociology Full Course Learning Modules

SOC 112 Introduction to Sociology Full Course Learning Modules

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SOC 112 Introduction to Sociology Full Course Learning Modules

SOC 112 Module 1-2 Worksheet: Doing Nothing

The purpose of this worksheet is to get you out into the real world to think about the social world in a new way and to have you switch your perspective from “doing something” to “doing nothing.” This will give you the opportunity to make the mundane interesting and become more aware of your sense of self in the social world. This activity is adapted from Ferris, K., & Stein, J. (2014). The real world: An introduction to sociology. New York, NY: W. W. Norton.
To complete this assignment, review the Module One Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document.

SOC 112 Module 2-2 Final Project Milestone One

Milestone One is your first opportunity to work on an element of your final project. In this assignment, you will identify and summarize a contemporary social issue of your choice. This social issue will become the main topic of your final project, and you will revisit the issue throughout the course as you work on your final project. You can choose a social issue from the topic list below, or you can select a social issue of your choice that you find in the news or media, or perhaps one you encounter in your daily life.
To complete this assignment, review the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubric document.

SOC 112 Module 3-2 Worksheet: Statuses and Roles

The purpose of this worksheet is to help you better understand what statuses and roles are and how they influence our behavior. This worksheet will also help you prepare for Milestone Two by getting you to begin breaking down an issue into sociological concepts. This activity is adapted from Ferris, K., & Stein, J. (2014). The real world: An introduction to sociology. New York, NY: W. W. Norton.
To complete this assignment, review the Module Three Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document.

SOC 112 Module 4-1 Worksheet: Wealth Inequality in America

After reading Chapter 7, watch the video Wealth Inequality in America. Follow the instructions and answer the three questions found in the Module Four Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document.
To complete this assignment, review the Module Four Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document.

SOC 112 Module 4-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Mapping the Issue

In this milestone, you will submit Mapping the Issue (Section II of your final project). This milestone is a concept map that will help you visualize the social issue and how it relates to the following sociological concepts: cultural beliefs and biases, social roles, social inequalities, and existing social conditions. A concept map is a visual diagram that helps you make mental connections between concepts and show the nature of those relationships graphically. In a concept map, lines represent that there is a relationship between different categories. This concept map is a critical piece of your final project, which is due in Module Seven.
To complete this assignment, review the Milestone Two Guidelines and Rubric document.

SOC 112 Module 5-2 Final Project Milestone Three: Creating Connections

Now that you have broken the social issue into smaller pieces in the concept map, you will explain the connections you made and how these connections will help you better understand the issue. You will use your knowledge from the course to describe the connections between the sociological concepts and the social issue and demonstrate the value of using a sociological view when examining social issues in a one-page write-up. Also submit the concept map from Module Four.
For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Three Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.

SOC 112 Module 7-2 Final Submission: Concept Map and Paper

Submit your final concept map and paper. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course and for Milestones One through Three.
To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document.

SOC 112 Module 8-1 Worksheet: Reflection Worksheet

Over the course of the term, you have been developing your sociological lens, which is a way to see and understand the social world in new and different ways. You have examined the significance of culture, the formation of the self, several types of social inequalities, the influence that social institutions have on our lives, the power of group cohesion and deviance, and the constancy of social change.
To complete this assignment, review the Module Eight Worksheet Guidelines and Rubric document

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