Saturday 24 December 2016

PHI 105 Week 2 Assignment Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet

PHI 105 Week 2 Assignment Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet
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PHI 105 Week 2 Assignment Persuasive Essay: Brainstorm Worksheet

Complete the Persuasive Essay: Brainstorming Worksheet.

Persuasive Essay: Brainstorming Worksheet
Review “How Should I Brainstorm?” in the media piece “The Writing Process.” The media piece explores six ways to brainstorm:

·         Free Writing
·         Breaking Down a Topic
·         Listing
·         Mapping/Webbing
·         Three Perspectives
·         Journalistic Questions

Assignment Directions:
1.     Choose three ways to brainstorm from the list above.
2.     Brainstorm about the topic of your Persuasive Essay using each of your chosen three methods.
3.     Document your brainstorms in the space provided below.
4.     If you choose to brainstorm by mapping/webbing, document your brainstorm within the media piece and save it as a PDF file (directions are included in the media piece), which you will then submit to the drop box along with this completed resource (an assignment drop box can accept more than one assignment).

Documentation of Brainstorm:
Record your brainstorms below, using as much space as needed for each entry.

Brainstorm One:

Brainstorm Two:

Brainstorm Three:

PHI 105 Week 3 Assignment Cognitive Distortions Worksheet

PHI 105 Week 3 Assignment Cognitive Distortions Worksheet
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PHI 105 Week 3 Assignment Cognitive Distortions Worksheet

Complete the Cognitive Distortions Worksheet.

PHI 105 Week 3 Persuasive Essay: Thesis Statement and Gathering Resources Worksheet

PHI 105 Week 3 Persuasive Essay: Thesis Statement and Gathering Resources Worksheet
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PHI 105 Week 3 Persuasive Essay: Thesis Statement and Gathering Resources Worksheet

Complete the Persuasive Essay: Thesis Statement and Gathering Resources Worksheet.
Review the scoring guide for this assignment included in the worksheet to ensure successful completion.

PHI 105 Week 4 Persuasive Essay: Outline Worksheet

PHI 105 Week 4 Persuasive Essay: Outline Worksheet
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PHI 105 Week 4 Persuasive Essay: Outline Worksheet

Complete the Persuasive Essay: Outline Worksheet.
Review the grading checklist for this assignment at the end of the worksheet to ensure
successful completion.
Persuasive Essay: Outline Worksheet

Review “How Do I Organize My Brainstorm into an Outline?” in “The Writing Process” Media piece.

Assignment Directions:
Use the Persuasive Essay Outline on the next page to outline your persuasive essay by completing the following:
·         Use the feedback you received from your instructor to revise your thesis statement.
1.     Write your thesis as a complete sentence (as you would in your essay) in the “Thesis Sentence” section under the Introductory Paragraph heading in the outline below.
·         Create a topic sentence for each of the three paragraphs that comprise the body of your essay.
1.     Record the topic sentences in each of the “Topic Sentence” sections under the “Support for Thesis” headings in the outline below.
2.     Your topic sentences should support your thesis and provide transitions between the paragraphs.
·         Write at least three details for each topic sentence.
1.     These details should provide support for the topic sentence. (Review the example outline below)
2.     Remember to include at least one in-text citation for each supporting paragraph.
·         Write a concluding sentence under the “Conclusion” heading in the outline below.
1.     Your concluding sentence should be your thesis restated in different words.

Persuasive Essay Outline

Introductory Paragraph:
Additional lead-in Information:
Thesis Sentence:

Support for Thesis 1
Topic Sentence:

Detail A:

Detail B:

Detail C:

Transitional Sentence:

Support for Thesis 2
Topic Sentence:

Detail A:

Detail B:

Detail C:

Transitional Sentence:

Support for Thesis 3
Topic Sentence:

Detail A:

Detail B:

Detail C:

Transitional Sentence:

Paraphrase thesis statement (restated in different words):
Summarize main points:

Final remarks:

In the space below, list all resources used in alphabetical order by author’s last name. Later in the class when you write the paper, you will use this list to create your formal reference page.

Helpful links:
Persuasive essay writing process:

References and Citation help:

Grading Criteria
Consider the following criteria when developing the outline for your essay. These criteria will be applied when this assignment is graded.
·         Outline contains a thesis statement.

·         Outline contains a topic sentence for each of the three paragraphs of the body of the essay.

·         Transitions between paragraphs are evident and appropriate.

·         Contains three details for each topic sentence; details provide support of the related topic sentence.

·         Included in-text citations and references.

·         Outline contains concluding sentence, which restates the thesis in different words.

PHI 105 Week 5 Assignment Thinking and Language Reflection Worksheet

PHI 105 Week 5 Assignment Thinking and Language Reflection Worksheet
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PHI 105 Week 5 Assignment Thinking and Language Reflection Worksheet

Complete the Thinking and Language Reflection Worksheet.
Review the grading checklist for this assignment included in the worksheet to ensure successful completion.

Reflect on your understanding of the relationship between thinking and language.

Answer the following questions in 100-200 words each:
1.     How do individuals acquire and develop language?

1.     How do you personally communicate your thoughts and how did you learn to do so?

1.     Based on your own experiences, what are some symbols (e.g., letters of the alphabet) people use to communicate?

1.     Explain how you think these symbols are related to critical thinking?

The assignment will be graded according to the following criteria:
1.     Clarity: The intent of the writer is clear.
2.     Logic: The answer makes sense.
3.     Answers question: The questions are addressed fully.
4.     Mechanics: Answers contain proper punctuation and grammar.

PHI 105 Week 5 Persuasive Essay First Draft

PHI 105 Week 5 Persuasive Essay First Draft
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PHI 105 Week 5 Persuasive Essay First Draft

Use the outline you created in week 4 to write the first draft of your essay.
Review the Persuasive Essay Guidelines.
Review the Persuasive Essay First Draft Rubric to help guide you.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

PHI 105 Week 6 Assignment Types of Communication Table

PHI 105 Week 6 Assignment Types of Communication Table
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PHI 105 Week 6 Assignment Types of Communication Table

Complete the Type of Communication Table.
GCU style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.